XXIV Edition: List of Awards

  • 1st place: Sophia Tomelleri (tenor sax) – Recording, mixing and mastering at Tube Recording Studio, promotion and distribution of the album by Emme Record Label
  • 2nd place: Andrea Domenici (piano)
  • 3rd place: Pietro Mirabassi (tenor sax)
Sophia Tomelleri, 1st place
Andrea Domenici, 2nd place
Pietro Mirabassi, 3rd place
  • Nuovo IMAIE: Sophia Tomelleri (tenor sax) – an 8 concerts tour within the following 12 months
  • Social Award: Giuseppe Cistola (guitar) – the most voted artist by the web audience
  • Critic Award: Andrea Domenici (piano) – a special award given by a jury composed of specialized journalist
  • Nuoro Jazz scholarship for jazz workshops: Cesare Mecca (trumpet)
  • Fara Music Summer school: Francesco Pollon (piano)

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